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Arizona’s Rules on Fireworks in 2024

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Fireworks are only allowed four times a year in Phoenix.
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The Fourth of July is right around the corner, which means fireworks are likely already being heard all around. However, just because they are happening does not actually mean they are allowed at this point in the year. The rules and restrictions regarding the legality of fireworks in Arizona is very particular. Furthermore, city by city restrictions may be a bit tighter, as cities are able to establish their own regulations as well. For example, Phoenix has specific rules regarding the sale of fireworks.

The city of Phoenix only permits the sale and use of fireworks for specific occasions.

In Phoenix, you can only legally purchase and use fireworks at four points in the year. The sale period is longer than the use period. When it comes to the sale of fireworks. first, you can buy fireworks from April 25th to May 6th. Then, you can buy them from May 20th through July 6th. You can also buy them from December 10th to January 3rd. The last occasion in which you can buy fireworks is for Diwali. The date for this holiday changes annually, however, you can buy fireworks starting two days before the first day of Diwali and ending on the third day of Diwali.

When it comes to the use of fireworks, those legal windows are smaller. You can use fireworks from May 4th through to May 6th, June 24th through to July 6th, December 26th through to January 3rd, and on the second and third days of Diwali.

Additionally, the hours are restricted as well.

For most of these days, you can only use fireworks from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. On New Year’s Eve (December 31st to January 1st) and the Fourth of July (July 4th to July 5th) fireworks are allowed for extended hours, from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. It is important to note that per Arizona state law, you cannot light fireworks under any condition on public property. This means you cannot light them at parks, on sidewalks, on streets, and more.

If you get caught breaking a state or city code regarding firework sales and use, you will be subject to a hefty fine. The fine differs from city to city with an average of around $1,000. Some cities may even charge the offender with a misdemeanor.

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